publication /
edited by Alex Farquharson, Barbara Piwowarska, Łukasz Ronduda
published by Nottingham Contemporary,, MAMMAL
with generous support from International Visegrad Fund and ARTon
Warsaw 2010
seminar /
November 24th, 2pm PUBLIC SESSION at ESAV
This project seeks to reflect on the activities, artistic practices, and vocabulary used to translate projects in the realm of discourse as well as their social, political, and cultural implications.
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2nd conference / Visual Dispositif / Social Dispositif /
What does it mean to make and to analyze moving image today, when both cinema and film studies witness conceptual crisis?
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presentation / exhibition /
Anabela Zigova: SALTO MORTALE
Artist in Residence
at Raum D, MuseumQuartier21, Vienna
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first conference /
Visual Dispositif / Social Dispositif is a first conference in the framework of the collaborative project Art/Knowledge/Politics which joins politically engaged artists, critical academics and activists at the platform of VCRC, Kiev.
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International Conference on Július Koller /
Dates: 23-24 April 2009
Place: Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
Organized by: The Július Koller Society in collaboration with Slovak National Gallery
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The Július Koller Society and the Slovak National Gallery are proud to present the first international conference on the oeuvre of Július Koller (1939–2007). /
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series /
Partner: Visual Art and Research Program (Working Concept for
Cooperation between: Visual Culture Research Center National University of Kiev-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA) and
Located in the former space of the Soros Contemporary Art Centre in Kyiv at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, the Visual Culture Research Centre is an initiative in an academic frame. Involving the faculty and students of the cultural studies department in collaboration with international researchers, curators, critics and artists in the form of working seminars, conferences, residences and exhibitions, the Centre is intended as an innovative platform to integrate current artistic practice and academic disciplines. The aim of the Centre is to develop an environment that promotes the analysis of manifestations in post-Soviet cultural, political, and economic situation evident and particular to Ukraine. With a focus on issues relevant to interpreting the concrete historical circumstance, the primary objective of the Centre is to generate a format for the production of discourse.
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exhibition /
Opening: September 7, 2008
Duration: September 8 – 21, 2008
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Afterall (UK/USA); Camera Austria International (AT); Brumaria (E); De witte raaf (B); Eurozine (AT); (EE); Metropolis M (NL); Malmoe (AT); n.paradoxa (UK); Vacarme (FR); Karin Hindsbo, Ojeblikket (DM); exindex (H); 2 x Idea (RO); Maska (SLO); Mo /
“Auditorium, Stage, Backstage – Eine Ausstellung in 32 Szenen”
13. Dezember 2006 – 4. März 2007
Eröffnung: 12. Dezember, 19.00 Uhr
Pressekonferenz: 12. Dezember, 11.00 Uhr
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Belgrade, November 2006 /
November 17th–19th
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In 2006 we started to conceive and set up a joint webspace for and all the partner organizations. This was the main activity of the year. /
The second meeting, Bucharest
August 2006
The tranzit meeting in Bucharest, one of the richest art and music scenes in southeastern Europe, was taking place under the motto: The Ethics of Locality.
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January 2005 /
Guests: Edit András, Boris Buden, Beral Madra, Iosif Király, Bojana Pejić, Anton Pelinka
The first event organized by tranzit Vienna took place January 2005 as a sort of »pilot« for further events in 2006 and 2007.
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