– webspace

In 2006 we started to conceive and set up a joint webspace for and all the partner organizations. This was the main activity of the year.

The second meeting, Bucharest
August 2006

The tranzit meeting in Bucharest, one of the richest art and music scenes in southeastern Europe, was taking place under the motto: The Ethics of Locality.

The meeting took participants through studios of concept and performance artists of the seventies such as Ion Grigorescu and Geta Bratescu, and of the generation that in the eighties paved the way for joining up with international avant-garde movements - names like subReal, and Dan and Lia Perjovschi.
A meeting with the young generation associated with Vlad Nanca and Stefan Tiron – a generation that is independent of scene politics and has abundant transcontinental links – has been organised, and there has been be the opportunity to encounter the young dance/performance scene, known throughout Europe, which is in the process of becoming institutionalised.
One of the main objectives was to present the institutional art scene of Bucharest with all its idiosyncrasies and contrast it with the aims and concepts of a large transnational event like documenta XII.
tranzit visited places such as the Galeria Noua, run as a small art association, the new Museum of Contemporary Art in Ceausescu’s megalomanic Palace of the People, the archive of Lia Perjovschi and the studios by Geta Bratescu and Ion Grigorescu. Other artists, curators and intellectuals from other art centres in Romania presented their concepts and talk about their work outside the capital. Piotr Piotrowski, one of the most prominent art historians of eastern Europe accompaniedRoger Buergel as a contextualising commentator.

Special guests:
Roger Buergel / director documenta XII
Piotr Piotrowski / Institute of Art History Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan

Local intellectuals and people from the art field:
Matei Bejenaru / artist, director Periferic Biennial Iasi, leader of vector Group Iasi; Catalin Gheorghe / philosoper, member of vector group Iasi; Attila Tordai S. / curator, editor Idea Art Magazine Cluj; Timotei Nadasan / director Idea Art Magazine Cluj; Raluca Voinea / curator, art critic, editor of E-Cart, Ploiesti; Anca Gyemant / artist manager of H.arta artist run space Timisoara; Maria Crista / artist manager of H.arta artist run space Timisoara; Rodica Tache / artist manager of H.arta artist run space Timisoara; Gabriela Adamesteanu / novelist, head of Romanian Pen Club; Oana Radu, / Ecumest director; Dan&Lia Perjovschi / artists, CAA Contemporary Art Archive; Aurora Kiraly / artist, curator Galeria Noua; Ruxandra Balaci / artistic director MNAC; Geta Bratesu / artist; Ion Grigorescu / artist; Vlad Nanca / artist, director of Gallery 2020; Cosmin Costinas / art critic and curator; Stefan Tiron / artist; Ioana Nemes / artist; Mona Vatamanu & Florin Tudor / artists; Stefan Cosma / artist; Alexandra Croitoru / artist; Ciprian Muresan / artist; Cosmin Gradinaru / artist; Cristi Pogacean / artist; Duo van der Mixt / artist; Oana Felipov / artist; Dan Acostioaei / artist; Daniel Gontz / artist; Mihai Mihalcea / Artistic Advisor of CND, dancer, choreographer; Manuel Pelmus / dancer, choreographer; Ana Maria Manuela Baroncea / dancer, choreographer; Ion Dumitrescu / dancer, choreographer; Alexandra Pirici / dancer, choreographer.