tranzit guest at ArtEast


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ArtEast School of Contemporary Art

School of Contemporary Art is a pilot project of ArtEast. The duration is 10 months (January – October). Supervisors are Gulnara Kasmalieva and Muratbek Djumaliev.

The main purpose of the project is the maximal adaptation of higher art education to the World level of education using the effective methods of education.

Educational program includes:
- Theoretical part (lectures and discussions on the history of modern and contemporary art, the main tendencies and directions)
- Practical part (different skills for implementation of own art work, articulation of own statement and own projects)
- Summer School
- Diploma work as final part of the education (curating or participation at the art events) together with ArtEast are organising incentive curatorial workshops with Vit Havranek, Dora Hegyi, Hedwig Saxenhuber and Georg Schöllhammer at the ArtEast School of Contemporary Art in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.


ERSTE Foundation is main partner of tranzit:

ERSTE Stiftung on facebook